I think everyone who was part of Freedom Tour would agree that there was an internal journey we each experienced as a result of taking in so much power, so much story, so much courage forged in the fire of a red-hot faith that refused to sit down.Read more [...]
Someone has to hear the confession of a wheezing old woman confined to her recliner this flu season, so it may as well be you. Here goes . . .Read more [...]
And yet there is another side to Haiti that is too often overlooked. A Haiti that greets the dawn with a pulsating swell of songpraise. A Haiti that is proud and prayerful and has much to teach us about faith, courage, and peacemaking.Read more [...]
Today, I look back on the peace walk and ask myself what, if anything was served, by walking along Grand River during some of the hottest days of summer. Read more [...]
God have mercy on us all as we once again pick up our national drug of choice - raw vengeance cut with unabashed triumphalism - in response to the violence of others.Read more [...]
The fast is a public way of expressing a hunger for peace, justice, and community as an antidote to war, greed, and alienation. It is a humble way of admitting complicity in the deaths of many and of expressing profound sorrow for all lives taken by war.Read more [...]